Legal experts in environmental matters

Public awarness of environmental law

Whether and to what extent are the Estonian people aware of their environmental rights and obligations? Do they know their rights to access to environmental information and participation in environmental decision-making, for example?

In cooperation with a professional research company, EELC will carry out a survey on general awareness of environmental law among the Estonian population.  

In addition to the survey, a qualitative study will be carried out. Interviews with focus groups should provide answers to questions on the impact practical experience with environmental law has had to awareness of members of public and experience with obtaining and using knowledge of environmental law.

EELC will complement the final report of the study with its recommendations on how to improve the awareness and the use of knowledge in issues regulated by environmental law.

The report with the recommendations will be made public on our webpage by November 2013.  

The information will be useful for planning future training and awareness programs, making them more specific and effective.

The project is funded by the Estonian Environmental Investment Centre (KIK).